Respiratory Services

Accessing & Treating for those requiring Basic and Complex Cardio-Respiratory Care

Respiratory Services

Highly trained Respiratory Therapists (RT) provide services throughout the entire organization, from critical care, airway provision and treatment at high-risk infant deliveries, to out-patient pulmonary clinics for diagnostic testing.

RTs are a member of the multidisciplinary team who monitor, assess and treat those who require basic or complex cardio-respiratory care.

This may include invasive mechanical ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Emergency Department.

The purpose of this department is to provide excellent patient care for all patients requiring the services of a Respiratory Care Provider.

The service is committed to patient and family-centred care through the provision of high quality, evidence-based care that is aligned with St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital’s mission statement and core values.


Contact the Respiratory Therapist Department
519.631.2030, ext. 2123


Respiratory Therapists are available in the hospital 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


The main department is located in the Intensive Care Unit on the second floor (Main Builiding).