STEGH values accountability and transparency, and almost every aspect of our hospital’s performance is subject to external, independent scrutiny.
In 2009, hospitals (through the Ontario Hospital Association) asked the government to extend the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) to hospitals, knowing it was one more way that our sector could demonstrate its deep and continuing commitment to transparency and accountability.
What Freedom Of Information means for hospitals and patients
Ontario hospitals set out to have freedom of information legislation extended to their organizations as a way to encourage trust and public confidence.
The purpose of the freedom of information legislation is twofold:
- First, it provides a right of access to information within the hospital's custody (right of access);
- And second, to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves in the custody or control of the hospital (protection of privacy).
To make a Freedom Of Information Request:
Privacy Officer
Phone: 519-631-2030 Ext. 2955
Email: privacyofficer@stegh.on.ca
Additional Information